Mis Viajes
Into Czech Republic! Prague
Fui a Praga unos días a hacer turismo callejero.
The Sultanate of Oman
On April I went to Oman's capital, Muscat. A coastal city with lots to offer. From it's traditional souq to the bay and the natural juices you can buy around the tourist area.
Dubai in the UAE
It is a place you should see once in your lifetime, if you are from the middle East maybe you would want to go more than once. But if you live in Europe or the US you will not be missing on anything, Dubai is about checking out how far we can go building pretty things and that is about it.
Abu Dhabi's Tranquility
A city with the right balance between amenities and personal space. A place in which a tourist can entertain him/herself at the same time a local can enjoy a peaceful stroll under the shade of some trees with flowers on the background.
En Bahrein, Manama la ciudad perdida
En Bahrein me llevé una decepción importante, me esparaba un lugar con edificios bonitos, calles limpias y gente de alto poder adquisitivo. Lo que encontré fue un contraste entre zonas turísticas y clubs nocturnos repletos de chicas de reputación dudosa, para que nos entendamos.
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